If you experience a sudden loss of GPS signals or other unusual behavior, please report it to the authorities using our GPS Service Outages & Status Reports page. 1 North to Route 63 East (Woodhaven Road) Local Detour Routes: Northbound I-95 detour. Eastern Kentucky Flooding Event: Visit our webpage for transportation updates to rebuild communities after devastating July 2022 flooding. Secure your network: Make sure your network is secure by using a. Avoid placing your router near walls, metal objects, or other devices that can interfere with the signal. Increases residential truck traffic Proceed Position your router in a central location: Position your router in a central location to ensure that the Wi-Fi signal is distributed evenly throughout your home or office.Your device suggests taking closed exits, non-existent roads, or other bad routes.You cannot navigate properly to a specific location.Your device shows the wrong address for a location.Your device is missing a location, street, etc. Manage your commute settings You must set the following locations in the Google Home app to get relevant commute information: Set work and home location.
#Traffic from my location to my home drivers

Your home or business is missing or appears in the wrong place.government cannot correct mapping errors in consumer devices/apps, but the following links will help you report them to the responsible parties. The satellites do not transmit any mapping information. GPS satellites are simply beacons, like lighthouses, that a device uses to calculate its own latitude and longitude.
#Traffic from my location to my home software
That software comes from the private sector (e.g., Google, Apple), not from the GPS satellites. The problem is in the mapping software used by the devices/apps.

Frustrated by missing/wrong locations and directions in GPS devices and apps?